Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Shipboard Power System Fundamentals

Last Update: June 25, 2024

0010 Shipboard Power System Characteristics

0020 Shipboard Power System as a Microgrid

0030 Shipboard Power systems vs Terrestrial Power Systems

0040 Ship Requirements

0050 Architectures

0060 Architecture Choice

0070 Operating Conditions and Profiles

0080 Power Generation

0090 Power Conversion

0100 Power Distribution

0110 Propulsion Motor

0120 Energy Storage

0130 Electric Loads

0140 Power System Control

0150 System Voltage and Frequency Regulation

0160 Power System Grounding

0170 Real and Reactive Power Sharing

0180 Power Management

0190 Load Management (Load Shedding)

0200 Control interaction with mission systems

0210 Cybersecurity

0220 Electrical Power System Concept of Operations

0230 Propulsion System Concept of Operations

0240 Standards, Specifications, Regulatory Requirements, Classification Societies

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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