Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Shipboard Power System Fundamentals:
Control interaction with mission systems

Last Update: July 10, 2024

Essential Questions

Essential Question Level of Thinking
When should mission systems and the power system controls communicate?
What are examples of mission system - power system communications?
How are mission system - power system control interfaces implemented?
What are potential design issues with respect to mission system - power system communications?

Text Material

Presentation Material

Video Material


IEEE Std 45.3 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard--Systems Engineering

Doerry, Norbert, and John Amy Jr., " MVDC Shipboard Power System Considerations for Electromagnetic Railguns," 6th DoD Electromagnetic Railgun Workshop, Laurel MD, Sept 15-16, 2015

Radan, Damir, " Integrated Control of Marine Electrical Power Systems," Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor, Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2008.

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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