Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Shipboard Power System Fundamentals:
Operating Conditions and Profiles

Last Update: June 29, 2024

Essential Questions

Essential Question Level of Thinking
What is an operational condition and what is an operational profile?
What are operational conditions and operational profiles used for?
How are Operating conditions and operational profiles created?
What are the implications of an operational condition and profile on design?

Text Material

Presentation Material

Video Material


DPC 200-1 Calculation of Surface Ship Endurance Fuel Requirements

DPC 200-2 Calculation of Surface Ship Annual Energy Usage, Annual Energy Cost, and Fully Burdened Cost of Energy

DPC 310-1 Electric Power Load Analysis (EPLA) for Surface Ships

Doerry, Dr. Norbert, "Calculating Surface Ship Energy Usage, Energy Cost, and Fully Burdened Cost of Energy ," ASNE Naval Engineers Journal, September 2013, Vol. 125 No. 3, pp. 87-90.

Jafarzadeh, Sepideh and Ingrid Schjølberg, " Operational profiles of ships in Norwegian waters: An activity-based approach to assess the benefits of hybrid and electric propulsion," Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 65, 2018,Pages 500-523,ISSN 1361-9209,

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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