Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Electric Ship Mobility:
Bearings and Shafting

Last Update: July 21, 2024

Essential Questions

Essential Question Level of Thinking
What are propeller shafting, stern tube bearings, line shaft bearings, thrust bearings, shaft seals?
What special considerations are needed to support CPP and contra-rotation?
How is efficiency estimated for the different types of bearings?
How are shaft resonances estimated and what is acceptable?

Text Material

Presentation Material

Video Material


EDQP D-420 EDQP Study Paper Propulsion System Design

Prince, Kevin D., Shafting, Bearings and Lubrication,The Marine Engineering Series Edited by Michael G. Parson, SNAME, Alexandria VA, 2020 ISBN ISBN 978-1-7923-0957-1

ABS Propulsion Shafting Alignment ABS Guidance Notes on Propulsion Shafting Alignment

SNAME TR Bulletin 3-53 Guidelines for the Development of a Propulsion Shafting System Design For Commercial Vessels

SNAME TR Bulletin 3-51 Practices and Procedures for the Alignment of Marine Main Propulsion Shafting Systems

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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