Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Ship Electrical Distribution System Design:
Design for Quality of Service and survivability

Last Update: July 16, 2024

Essential Questions

Essential Question Level of Thinking
What are the different QOS types of loads? What are t1 and t2? What is MTBSI? What is a service interuption?
What are the system trade-offs with a longer or shorter t1?
What are the system trade-offs with a longer or shorter t2?
What design choices exist to meet a specific MTBSI?
What are vital and non-vital loads? What are the distribution design considerations for each?
What design features support zonal zurvivability? What design features support compartment survivability?
What is load shedding and how is it implemented?
What is a casualty power system? What loads are powered by one? What are design considerations for a casualty power system?

Text Material

Presentation Material

Video Material


IEEE Std 45.1 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard--Design

Doerry, Norbert, and John Amy, "Implementing Quality of Service in Shipboard Power System Design" presented at IEEE ESTS 2011 Alexandria VA

Doerry, CAPT Norbert, "Designing Electrical Power Systems for Survivability and Quality of Service" presented at ASNE DAY 2007, Arlington, VA, June 25-26, 2007.
Also published in ASNE Naval Engineers Journal, 2007, Vol. 119 No 2, pp 25-34.

EDQP SD-311 EDQP Study Paper Electrical Power Distribution

Doerry, CAPT Norbert, USN, "In-Zone Power Distribution for the Next Generation Integrated Power System," Presented at ASNE Advanced Naval Propulsion Symposium 2008, Arlington, VA, Dec 15-16, 2008.

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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