Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Electrical Power Generation, Power Conversion, and Energy Storage:
Diesel Engines

Last Update: July 24, 2024

Essential Questions

Essential Question Level of Thinking
What is the basic theory of operation of a diesel engine?
How are diesel engines modeled for steady-state anaylsis?
How are diesel engines modeled for dynamic analysis in shipboard systems?
What are the machinery arrangement implications of a diesel engine?
How does one determine the fuel rate for a diesel engine?

Text Material

Presentation Material

Video Material


MIL-STD_3045 U.S. Navy Surface Ship Machinery Arrangements

EDQP T-122 EDQP Study Paper Diesel Propulsion and Power Generation

Doerry, Norbert, and Mark A. Parsons, "Modeling Shipboard Power Systems for Endurance and Annual Fuel Calculations," SNAME J Ship Prod Des (2023)

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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