Marine Electrical Power Systems:
Electric Power Load Analysis (EPLA):
Quality of Service analysis

Last Update: July 13, 2024

Essential Questions

Essential Question Level of Thinking
What are the different categories of Quality of Service and how do they relate to t1 and t2?
How does one determine t1 and t2?
What is a service interruption? What can cause a service interruption?
How should the MTBSI requirement be established?
How is Quality of Service Analysis Performed?

Text Material

Presentation Material

Video Material


IEEE Std 45.1 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard--Design

Doerry, Norbert, and John Amy, "Implementing Quality of Service in Shipboard Power System Design" presented at IEEE ESTS 2011 Alexandria VA

(C) Copyright 2024 Norbert Doerry

This work by Norbert Doerry is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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